Final Project Idea
30 Oct 2018
Project: Get Games Going
The problem:
Many UH students want to relax and enjoy themselves after long study sessions. Playing games with some friends is a fun way to spend a night, but with so many people having different and busy schedules it's difficult to get a group together.
The solution:
The Get Games Going application allows students to login and create a profile indicating their schedule, their taste in games, and their competivieness. Other users can leave comments on other's profiles to be reviewed by admins.
Mockup page ideas
- Landing Page
- User home page
- Browse users by their taste in games, competitivness, and schedule.
Use case ideas
- New user goes to landing page, logs in, gets home page, sets up profile
- Admin goes to landing page, logs in, gets home page, edits site.
- Browse users by their taste in games, competitivness, schedule, and sets up a session.
Beyond the basics
- Integration with gogole calendar to have sign ups for game nights.
- List games each person owns.
- Supports reviews of people, to be monitored by admins.